Fun Game To Play

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Fun Game To Play

Post by Coitster »

Hey everyone,
I wanted to put out a message for those of you who play computer games or online games. Not everyone is into this. Personally I love playing games, especially games where I can build up an empire or strategy or commerce games. Years ago I used to play this game called Federation (no not star trek) on AOL; this is like 12 years ago. I stopped playing it when it moved off AOL and I thought it was gone. However I found was still around and lots of people are playing it. It was a text game that was completely about space commerce. Building a financial empire, you start out hauling cargo around the solar system and then move up the ranks becoming a merchant buying and selling at exchanges. You then move up to owning factories and then owning planets.

Like I said this is not a graphics game, but I think its fun. If anyone wants to check it out here is the web address. If anyone does get onto it, look me up. Of course I am coitster on the game. This is all a game about building a financial empire. [FONT=Wingdings]J[/FONT]
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