Nine Eleven

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Nine Eleven

Post by Glasseye »

The tenth anniversary of this horrendous event will be here shortly. This year I visited New York and went to Ground Zero. To be honest you couldnt see much because all the sight is fenced off but my family and I visited St Pauls Church which became a rest centre for the rescue workers after the towers fell. It is only a small church, just like a thousand others but standing in there, seeing and feeling the emotions of the people also visiting this church, it had as much power as a mighty cathedral. I have added a link to a you tube video I found. It is not a masterpiece, but what did it for me was the music that had been added which really summed up how I felt the day I visited Ground Zero. The piece of music by the way is "An Ending" by Brian Eno

Re: Nine Eleven

Post by johnymunch »

Reminding that tragedy still shocks us, hope all the terror and terrorism comes to an end but still it is just a hope, when it will be reality do not know.
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Brent Deines
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Re: Nine Eleven

Post by Brent Deines »

Those who lost their lives on 9/11 remain in our thoughts and prayers, as do those who put their lives on the line every day to help protect us from having things like that happen more frequently as they do in many other countries.
Brent Deines
Delta Kits, Inc.
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