Flea-Market Set ups!

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Flea-Market Set ups!


I had an idea just wondering if any of you have ever thought of this idea.
Set up at local flea-markets and advertise WSR. Dont know of anyone here in my neck of the woods grabbing this opportunity.
Has anyone done this yet and if so what was your success rate?
I figured it would cost me under $30 to market this route. If i can schedule jobs for the next coming week, I feel its well worth the time invested.
Chad E. Clewis
GLASSTIME Windshield Repair & Headlight Restoration

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Re: Flea-Market Set ups!

Post by Frank EU »

Some flea markets attrackt a lot of visitors. I am not sure how that is in your area (I looked it up and it appears to be very rural) but I have no reason to believe that it would be all that different. That country side :D market may very well attrackt many people.
Have you ever been at a flea market yourself? (I have not, don't like it, but many other people really like it and go there frequently) You will be working in your own area so you are the right person to be in the know what the succes rate could be. What for example is your succes rate at your car wash location?
Use a lower figure for the flea market. This is because the car wash customers probably are returning customers and they know, like and trust you. The market visitors probably don't know you, so you have to be selling the service. The proof is in the eating right? Why don't you just do it, you will learn a lot! I trust that you will keep us updated here on the forum right?
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Re: Flea-Market Set ups!


Frank Eu,

My business has been strictly "MOBILE" since 2002. As far as a ratio of business goes for my "Detailing" is concerned that would be hard to split. Considering I actually go out to the customers location and perform such services. Being at the flea-market would be stationary kinda like a tent local.

Yes I have been to Flea-Markets / Swap Meets! Do I like them on a personal level NO! On a business level, YES! due to the amount of revenue that intakes there. There again I feel that flea-market consumers are low price shoppers. And most consumers looking or shopping for the lowest price are usually not the ones to be loyal or satisfied or shall we say "Picky" (Thank You Chief) Yet I do believe I can be very successful in my journey there.

Not to sure it would be a good idea to actually perform repairs there, because of the amount of sand and dirt surrounding the area combined with wind gust.
Thats what there "Parking Lot" consist of... "DIRT"

What I was thinking of doing is setting up a table under these long and huge canopy style shelters they have, pay $15.00 rent.
Throw me a nice plush blue table cloth out. Grab a piece of glass and perform repairs for the eye to see. I would most likely have a piece of before and after glass on the table in a stance position so those not eager to see the magic can view as a display. Along with business cards, WSR Info handouts and chip savers.

I have a banner that would hang above the table behind us. Maybe i can do the whole sham-wow deal and wear a microphone. Maybe tell the process but not leak out too much info.

Basically do some before and afters, take appointments and give the whole how this can be FREE spill.

Sounds Easy Enough! But Is IT?

Ill be trying it out next weekend, will update.
Chad E. Clewis
GLASSTIME Windshield Repair & Headlight Restoration

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Re: Flea-Market Set ups!

Post by Crack_King »

Never do a Flea Market, unless the area is in a upper middle class area. You will see too many people who will bargain.
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Re: Flea-Market Set ups!

Post by Nomad »

Have tried this and had not a lot of success. I did not do demos though, and I think that is what I would do to attract customers if I were to do it again.

Have watched other people do this too and didn't think they looked too busy. They weren't doing demos either though.

With the economy the way it is there may be a lot more people going to flea markets than before. Things can change.
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Re: Flea-Market Set ups!

Post by Frank EU »

Time2Shine /Chad, You were going to try the Flea Market thing. Three weekends past by, and according to your post you were going to try it ''next weekend'', did you have the chance to find a location to try this out? What did you learn?
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Re: Flea-Market Set ups!


Frank EU,

Sorry for such late reply!

Indeed I did do it. At first. I was set up outside under my canopy. "Bad
I wasn't doing any actual repairs just selling. Had a few of intrest but after 2 weekends
I realized this Flea-Market has indoor areas of shopping which is fairly new!

I inquired about a paticular spot which is about half way in and beside a lady that sells "Baby Stuff"
Couldn't go wrong there. Also it had a roll-up garage door which was even better.
I went out purchased a few extra eye catching things , built the small WS stand and set it up with
A small 10x4 flat.

Changed the color of my flyers to yellow and placed them into a holder that I got from an
Office supply store here locally.

Placed my business cards in holders also picked up from the store.

Nothing happened for the first part of the morning. Just a few stop in prospects
With curious minds?? Yet before the day was done I had performed. 6 repairs on 6 cars and scheduled a few jobs
For the oncoming week.

My observation: I believe with time people will tell people of the
Guy doing FREE WSR down at the Flea-Market!!

Overall the publicity I can gain there would cost more than $25.00
Running an ad in the newspaper for just 1 day.

I'm very excited and can't wait till this saturday/sunday. This will be the first sunday yet.
Chad E. Clewis
GLASSTIME Windshield Repair & Headlight Restoration

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Re: Flea-Market Set ups!

Post by pcb »

It's been 2 months since the last post on this thread and I was just curious if you're still doing the flea market and how it's going.
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Re: Flea-Market Set ups!


Actually 1 month tomorrow!

Yes I am still doing the Flea-Market. Its going quite well!
Were doing 8 maybe 10 day if were lucky!
We stopped Sunday as that's against my beliefs!!
A lot propspecting, inquiries always is good!
Chad E. Clewis
GLASSTIME Windshield Repair & Headlight Restoration

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Re: Flea-Market Set ups!

Post by pcb »

Sorry been a long day. Yes 1 month tomorrow.

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear it's going well. Like you I don't do work on Sunday.
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