windshield replacement school

Discuss all aspects of windshield replacement, including techniques, billing, etc.

Post by jwaldrop »

I am from the West Texas area and I am trying to get information on a school or class on windshield replacment here in Texas. Anyone with information please let me know

Post by StarQuest »


Just wanted to share my experiences with you in glass replacement. I started out a glass repair shop 8 years ago without ever replacing one windshield. Believe me, it isn't something you can just take a one week class and become good at! Even though I was a franchise business owner and received 4 weeks of training with glass replacement....I still had to learn the hard way. Every car and truck is different. The only way to get into this business is to hire a master, learn all his techniques and work with him as a apprentice for 1-2 years. In my business that meant paying somebody $15-$18 (8 hours a day). After two years I spent over $70,000 holding on to a master tech to learn from. I myself consider myself to be a master tech these days. Truthfully though, I'd make much more money being a master repair tech. My to stick with glass repair! Not enough profits in replacement these days.

Only my opinion.....good luck with your decisions!

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Post by Coitster »

I absolutly agree with Starquest. I owned a replacement company for years. Personaly I had to train for 6 months to where I felt comfertable replaceing any windshield. However insurance companies have totaly destroyed all the profit out of the replacement industry. The only way you can make money now replaceing is if you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars buying glass buy the container from overseas and stockpile it.

I personaly left the replacement business because of all the garbage going on in it. I make more money now doing repairs then I could make doing replacements now. In many cases now there is more profit per repair then there is in replacement. It's sad but true.
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Post by Dan B »

JWaldrop, I have owned a mobile-repair only company for a few years now. I wanted to get into the replacement end last year. I found a few schools but they wanted too much to enroll, and by the time you add up airfare, lodging, rental car, food etc your looking at a few grand easy! So i decided to go out and find a reputable mobile replacement guy to train me in the business. This worked pretty well until I started realizing how "cut throat" this business is. You will be competeing against large companies all the way down to the guys like yourself who are out to make a buck! Pricing is set by NAGS and the payment amount is set by the insurance companies (or their hired claims companies)... Everybody makes money off of windshield replacement except the installer. As windshields cost more, Ins. companies give less and all the while everyone is installing for less to try and gain market share! I know that this seems very pessimistic, but I thought you should hear the truth! Good luck in whatever you decide.
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Post by glassdoctor »

I am curious what you guys think about the cost of glass, since you have exerience running a replacement buisness. I often hear condradictory statements. One guy will tell me how expensive glass is getting, while another guy says glass is so cheap now... wholesale and retail.

Which is true, or is it really neither?

For example, I have heard from some people at auto dealers that they can get glass cheaper now than a few years ago, to the point that they tend shy away from repairs. One small town body shop had a crate of shields sitting in there shop one day "because they got them so cheap".

Also, I have heard about cutthroat pricing replacement shops for several years now. Has it really changed... getting worse?

So, is glass wholesale cost actually rising? Is it just the "cheap" crap glass that's as cheap or cheaper than always... while the OEM glass is the same or higher?

I sure hope for the sake of my business that wholesale glass costs are going up. $100-150 per windshield makes it a bit harder to "sell" repair. This applies to all of us, whether you do retail or fleet and dealers.

If wholesale costs do actually remain constant or rise, then the insurance companies should not be able to continue to lower their pricing, right?

Post by StarQuest »


From my experience of late, you can buy glass cheaper now then you could 4-5 years ago. Unfortunately, the lowered glass prices by the glass suppliers hasn't equated to higher profits. Profits continue to decline because insurance companies keep getting higher discounts off of NAGS. I hope this never happens with repair pricing, if it does I'll be attending some PDR classes :wink:

Competition is so cut throat in glass replacement, especially between the small independent shops. If you don't offer at least a $100 off deductible here in Michigan you won't get the replacement. Sometimes that means you might be taking on a replacement job for under $75.00. Not my idea of a good profit for the time and responsiblity associated with glass replacement. I stiil replace shields today, but I've learned to pick and choose my clients and insurance companies very carefully. If I can't make $125-$175 off a replacement... I'll pass it on to somebody else.

Repair only, remains the most profitable in glass and I wouldn't worry to much about about these lowered glass prices.

Truthfully, I think Glass_Meister should respond to this thread. I'm sure he has some great knowledge to share with us on this subject.
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Post by glassdoctor »

Thanks for the reply. Your comments sound right on to me.

It's a funny thing how you get such different opinions.

I just remembered a replacemnet guy I ran into a while back... and how he was telling me that he wasn't interested in repairs, because replacement is "where the money is".

One guy that I refer replacements to pays me more for insurance jobs than for cash jobs. There must be some money left in insurance work? He is happy to cut me a $50 fee, and he does not do hack work, either.

Post by glassdude »

Actually the money is good.
Sure, you have tons of competion and sometimes that can seem a little discouraging. But the thing is, is that you have to educate your customers. Most consumers have no idea of the potential dangers involve with an improperly installed windshield. If you really are good and don't take short cuts, remove all the moldings and cowlings, inspect and properly prime the pinchwelds and educate the consumers, you can demand a higher price for your installations. And people will gladly pay you for your expertise.
Now there are people who will only pay for the cheapest price they can find. And there is nothing you can do about that.

As far as the insurance companies go. I wouldn't be too discouraged with that. Sure, none of us like to be told what we can and can not charge for our services. But look at this example:
2003 Ford Explorer
List: $741.30
I normally charge $259 for this installation. (A .35 multiplier)
Now, when I do this same installation for a State Farm Insured through Lynx Services, I have to charge $266.86 (A .36 multiplier). However, I can also charge $50. for labor, and $20 for a urethane kit.
So for this State farm job I can charge $336.86 That's $77.86 more than I normally charge.
Yep, nobody wants to be told what they can or can not charge but this example is not that bad of a deal either.

Good Luck.

UV Shield

Post by StarQuest »


Nice post and website. Had a question though? In the Atlanta glass replacement market are you finding yourself having to waive deductibles to get the business? If you don't, then your really making some good profits on replacement.

Unfortunately that's not how things work here in the Detroit area. I'm seeing indepentant glass shops closing everyday because they can't compete with some of the larger glass services waiving everything. With the State Farm job you described they'd waive up to $150 off which would leave them with about $45-$75 profit after your figure in material cost, techs wages, garage keepers insurance, advertising, office space, vehicle maintenance and gas expenses. Not so profitable now is it? That comes out to be the same profit margin as you'd make on one 10-15 minute insurance repair. Any thoughts or comments to making that comparison?

Good Luck with your business :wink:

Post by glassdude »

Hi StarQuest,
Your right, waiving deductibles is never profitable. I never have waived anybody's deductible.

People have asked me if I could waive their ductible. I just tell them no. I tell them that if I waive their deductible then I would have to cut corners to make up the difference. And I don't cut corners. I then follow up with " if you don't mind people cutting corners so you can save a few bucks, then you'll have to look elsewhere. But, if you want me to do the job correctly bringing your vehicle back to factory specs and ensuring your families safety, then I'll be happy to do the installation for you."
That usually gets them.

Educate the customer. That's sometimes easier said than done. But if you can do it. Great.

I also have a 24/7 recorded message that I include on my business card as well as in the yellowpages.

If you have time. check it out. I uploaded a picture of the back of my business card for you to see what I mean. The number of my recorded message is (770) 442-2615

Little things go a long way.

Also, thanks for the compliments on my website. Did it myself.

To your success,
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