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First restoration on my wifes car.

Posted: November 11th, 2015, 7:39 pm
Never used an orbital sander in my life, I learnt a lot in a very short amount of time.
Firstly, Never put a spinning sander onto anything.
I wish I knew of a decent tape that will not instantly sand through with 320 - 500 grit paper.
Lastly, I was scared ******** I had ****** my wifes headlights up until the moment I put the polishing pad on and turned the griots on.

Please, all of you guys with loads of experience let me know how I went and what I could do to improve please.

Re: First restoration on my wifes car.

Posted: November 11th, 2015, 11:43 pm
by screenman
They seem to have come out fine.

I would take more time putting the tape on and a couple of layers at least. Also if I am correct the Delta blue tape may be thicker.

Re: First restoration on my wifes car.

Posted: November 12th, 2015, 7:13 am
Thanks Screenman, and yes The tape seemed to be my biggest issue.

Re: First restoration on my wifes car.

Posted: November 12th, 2015, 8:15 am
by screenman
I wipe the panel that I am going to stick the tape too with a small amount of cleaner/panel wipe. This just makes sure it sticks well, takes a few seconds but for me is worth the effort. Also if the indicator did not need doing I may have removed it, depending how long a job that was.

Re: First restoration on my wifes car.

Posted: November 18th, 2015, 3:44 am
Wouldn't you just tape the indicator ? Or can that damage the factory coating ?

Re: First restoration on my wifes car.

Posted: November 18th, 2015, 3:47 am
oh and I have found just a spray with water and drying with a shop cloth has fixed my tape not sticking issues and also double taping and hand sanding without getting too close to any painted surface with the orbital has fixed my worrying about damaging paint.

So far so good. All my friends and family have shiney headlights and are always surprised when I am finished.