Setting up Tent Locations

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

Setting up tents

Post by Anonymous »

Hello- Thought I would put my 2 cents in. In regards to charging lower rates from a tent location- I would rather charge the same as other places-just cause the overhead is low, that is better profit. I know of someone at a tent location and before he took over the corner it's on, there wasn't much business. Once people knew he would be there 5-6 days a week the corner has really been busy. People have gotten to know him and will wait and visit and enjoy the time while their repair is being done. He has had many repeat customers and referals and loves his job.
I'm getting ready to do repairs myself, but because of the permits and everything I will do mobiles for a little while till I can find a place. Good Luck to everyone and this is a great place, Thank you all for the information on here! Karen

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