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Re: dry out heater

Posted: November 13th, 2002, 6:53 pm
by Anonymous
Hey folks, you know when you find a good restaurant you want to hurry home just to tell your friends all about it. Well this is just like that for me. I found a web site that works and is cheap. It cost me less then $12.00 a month. I've received over 1350 hits on my site alone in two weeks, and gotten 4 referrals' ( replacements only so far ). I'm not only on the WWW, but I come up in the top five of all four of the biggest search engines on the web. Companies pay huge money for that. To top it all off, if you are the first to sign up in your area you will be the only one to. That's right all alone. I was skeptical to at first but I took the leap and it has paid off for me. Feel free to e-mail me for more info or any questions. It is a marketing company called CyberCom and they do pay for referrals so if you call tell Denis Clear View in NC sent you. It's no extra cost to you.

Great WSR Referal Web site!

Posted: November 16th, 2002, 6:24 pm
by Anonymous
What they are selling you is an overpriced $120+ web page that does not show up in the search engines. I heard the pitch and it is laughable. You can do a lot more for your business with a lot less $$$. Recently, they have been pushing this scam pretty hard. I guess they need Xmas money. Beware. $100 can go a long way on your own webpage. To see what little you get, go to

BEWARE of this scam

Posted: November 16th, 2002, 6:45 pm
by Anonymous
Actually TNT there are alot of people signing up for If you go to the glass central board and read the posts there you will realize that this site indeed is producing some real results for people, including our shop in Colorado.

Not everything that has to do with the internet is a scam. This particular site is like a secret fishing hole that people are just starting to find out about.

Our Shop has been on for about 6 weeks and we get quite a few referrals. It paid for itself in 1 month. Other wsr people are getting phenominal results with it. Still others have seen little to nothing from it. It all depends where you are on wether it works well or not.

It definately is not a scam. I would suggest you scrape together $120 to lock up your area if it isn't already taken. You would be the exclusive wsr company for your area for the next year.

I have no other incentive to write this post except as a testomonial for the results our shop gets from it.


beware of this scam

Posted: November 16th, 2002, 7:50 pm
by Anonymous
Your comments about the referral web site is laughable. I have no idea why you felt the need to bash this web site option. That's all it is, just an option. If you don't want top sign up its OK. Even Cracker, the next reply said you were wrong.
Your very first comment is just not true. You claimed that the site does not come up on any search engine. If you type "windshield repair, Charlotte, NC" you will get a link to a cybercom site in two clicks. If you type in "windshield repair, Los Angles, CA" you will get another link to a cybercom site in two clicks. All on the first page, of the top ten results of Google, MSN, AOL, or Yahoo. It maybe under the names ", or" but it is definitely there. You also claim you can do a lot more for less. For $120.00 a year you tell me what's out there cheaper and more effective. You claim we have been pushing this very hard, I'm not pushing anything. It's something that you can look at and make your own decision to say yes or no. That's it, no big deal.
If you really are a WSR guy and read these forums often you would know that generating business or referrals is one of the most popular subjects here. So if I find something that works, I say share it.
I read about it from Rich on GlassCentral under "The best $100. I ever spent." I was skeptical but I did my research, called the company and talked with the owner ( Denis ) and made a educated decision. As far as needing extra money for a holiday, the word for me is CHRISTmas. Insult me with the right spelling. I can't wait to see your $100 web page.

The web site

Posted: November 17th, 2002, 3:23 pm
by Anonymous
Brad ignore TNT.

The guy is clueless. He's probably not even in the business. This clown probably goes to different boards and forums to get people fired up.

The people on the website know that it works. That's all that matters.

I was skeptical at the begining too but "blew" the $120 and glad we did.

If TNT is in the business he's the guy that's doing the $10 and $15 repairs and is wondering how he is going to pay for his next tank of gas.

Okay I'm a sucker. KACHING$

the website

Posted: November 19th, 2002, 5:05 pm
by Anonymous
hey found the site sounds cool but where do i sign up maybe im just not finding it


Posted: November 19th, 2002, 9:27 pm
by Anonymous
Go to the forum look under their marketing thread.


Posted: November 20th, 2002, 10:01 am
by Anonymous
Tom give me a e-mail or call me for questions. My site is Click on Charlotte, NC. I've gotten two more referrals this week allready.

Web site

Posted: May 20th, 2003, 8:29 pm
by Anonymous
Brad, I would love to take advantage of this but I dont se a place on tere to simply e mail you.

Re: Great WSR Referal Web site!

Posted: May 21st, 2003, 1:00 am
by Anonymous
There is always one expert in every bunch. You know the one. Its the one who states, "its a scam, it doesn't work, why waste your money?" Well, I've got news for you. I signed up with "WeFixWindshields.Com" last year. And while I signed up, I locked in several cities that are in my travel area. Since signing up, my initial investment has been paid for 7x in return. I received 4 referrals this week alone and its only Wednesday. Two glass shops north of me have offered a decent amount of cash if I would transfer the rights of their particular cities over to them. I told them, sorry.. There's an old saying, "He who hesitates, waits." I'm not saying it will make everyone rich in 6 months, but, for the price, you can't beat the publicity. I happen to know for a fact, hat one of the National Glass Replacement Companies tried to lock up the entire sight and offered a pretty penny. But, the owner Dennis started this for the small guy, and he is doing well, so I don't expect any changes on his part in the near future. Still skeptical, just sit back and watch your competition sign up. While they are getting the referrals, you'll be kicking yourself in the butt. Sign up is based on location, fist come locks in the area, guaranteed without any competition from local shops. The other old saying is: "YOU SNOOZE- YOU LOSE."