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Posted: June 6th, 2003, 8:51 am
by Anonymous
Well, I have successfully completed my First Official Repair... On my Mother - in - Law's car. It went extremely smooth. Took a little longer than I had expected, but then again I took my time to make sure it went well... 3 chips have been defeated!!!

Now, I have a question for everyone... Is there a way to clean the inside of a crack? I attempted to repair a very long crack and was unsuccessful. It appeared to have a lot of gunk in the crack... probably dirt and bug guts. If I looked at the crack at a certain angle, I could see dark (almost brown) splotches throughout the entire crack. Mostly dark with the silvery shimmer in between the gunk. Should a clean crack be silvery all the way through? Is there a way to purge the gunk out of a crack in order to clean it out? I tried to repair it but the resin would not travel, at all!!!! I would really like to get more experience in long cracks as that seems to be the norm where I live. I am thinking there could be a lot of revenue potential. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Pain in the Glass Windshield Repair
Jackson, Wyoming

First Official Repair and Dirty Crack Question

Posted: June 10th, 2003, 11:35 am
by Anonymous
If a crack is older than 2 weeks I will not try to fix it. I haven't found any SURE way to clean one out. Most people will wait until inspection time and the car fails or it really cracks out and then try to fix it. A new crack will fill good and will look good.