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Re: insurance numbers and coverage

Posted: October 9th, 2002, 4:16 am
by Guest
It looks like this will be the 100th post to the board. Seems to be going well so far, a little slower growth rate than I had anticipated however.

What does everyone else think? Any changes that you would like to see?

Jeff Higgins
Delta Kits, Inc.

100th Post

Posted: October 9th, 2002, 2:18 pm
by Anonymous
I was reading in one of the trade publictions, today ,about the growth of wsr. It was in AUTOGLASS magazine dated a couple of months ago.

One of the head honchos wrote thaat wsr is in for an explosion in the next 5 years. Mainly because insurance companies and wsr people are doing a good job of educating the public on the benefits and savings of wsr.

The article also stated that the ratio of insurance claims of repair vs replacement is getting close to 50/50 and one insurance company had an over 50% vs replacement. The insurance companies are really promoting this to their insureds.

So if you think about it we're all on the ground floor of wsr. Keep working it and the next time a stranger calls you for a repair you can thank the last guy who repaired their window. We all benefit if we all work this thing together.

So Jeff, according to all indications of the industry you'll soon see an exlosion on sites like this.

100th post

Posted: October 10th, 2002, 6:19 am
by Anonymous

I like the board. It is a great way for me (a very inexperienced repairman) to ask and get answers.

It is also a good networking tool for related ideas. I don't get to use the board as much as I would like.


100th posting

Posted: October 10th, 2002, 8:28 am
by Anonymous
This and any forum, used right, are extremely beneficial to draw information from. Information that is useful to the understanding of the technology of the industry and of the economic state of the industry as well. That's the kind of forum I, personally, am looking to be a part of. This one so far meets that criteria and has been of great value to myself and I'm sure others as well.
Thank you


Posted: October 28th, 2002, 7:48 pm
by Anonymous
I've enjoyed reading many of the postings. I've been in windshield repair off an on for about 3 years now. In the last 4 month full time. I love the freedom it gives me. I just moved to Las vegas from Seattle on Oct 4th this year. I would consider my repairs as high quality compared with many of other repairs that I've seen. Before I moved I had just started the tent idea for myself for the 4 months I went full time. The tent worked out great! I would do an average of 6 to 8 insurance jobs per day. The first day I set up I did 19 cars between 12 noon and 6pm on a friday. That certainly wasn't a daily average ( I wish ). Since I've been here in Las Vegas I've had a chance to set up 5 times, the best I could do was 2 cars. Totally different market here. I've been thinking about it, up north I had the 5 minute rock chip guys out doing the same, I think it helped the awareness. There is nobody here in Vegas doing the tent thing. I feel like the lone ranger here. So I appreciate the comments I've read on this board about stick'en it out, staying in one place. So far it seems that a large amount of people here don't know that their insurance company would pay for the repair even with deductables as high as $1000. I guess I'll keep plugging away! Thanks for all the tips everyone!!! Take care.

100th Post

Posted: October 29th, 2002, 6:30 am
by Guest

Glad to have you here!

What types of marketing ideas have you tried since you moved down there? Especially to let people know that their insurance will cover the deductible?

Also, not sure which system you use, but there will be quite a few manufacturers at the SEMA show next week, you should drop by and check everyone out!

Let me know if you need tickets and i'll try to get something worked out.

Jeff Higgins
Delta Kits, Inc.