Flexing the leg

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Flexing the leg

Post by HoustonGuy »

I have read all the great information here and need a little more direction on filling star breaks. I hear one group saying no problem, you can fill them all with the right technique. Then the other group that says they always have problems getting all the legs to fill to the tips. Can someone describe how to flex a leg in detail. How much pressure how much time? During the vacuum cycle? I am using b-150.

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Brent Deines
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Re: Flexing the leg

Post by Brent Deines »

I'm in the group that usually says no problem, with the exception being when the cracks are on the inner layer of glass. No good way to fill those in my opinion.

I don't often find the need to flex and I've already mentioned my preference for flexing but whether you flex from the inside or outside, under pressure or in vacuum, only use enough pressure to see the appearance of the crack change slightly. Watch the tip carefully and if you see it start to move release pressure immediately, but also watch the main body of the crack. If you see any change in color or movement of any kind, you can hold, but do not continue to apply more pressure.
Brent Deines
Delta Kits, Inc.
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Re: Flexing the leg

Post by HoustonGuy »

Thanks Brent
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