Tap a bullseye

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Tap a bullseye

Post by HoustonGuy »

Sorry to ask an old question. What ways are there to pop a bullseye without a slid hammer?
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Brent Deines
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Re: Tap a bullseye

Post by Brent Deines »

Before the spring hammer and slide hammer came along I just used a steel scribe like this one. https://www.deltakits.com/shop/windshie ... nt-scribe/ And used a nylon stick like this one to gently tap with. https://www.deltakits.com/shop/windshie ... lon-stick/

Obviously you can use anything for the tapping but something light weight and made of wood or plastic seems to work best for me. The size and shape of the point are critical, and should be matched to the size and shape of the hole. That is why I use this carbide bur https://www.deltakits.com/?s=fg701&product_cat=0 and rotate the drill in a circular direction as I drill. That seems to work very well with the scribe, slide hammer, and spring hammer mentioned above. Better in fact than any other combination I have tried.

Others use needles or very sharp pointed scribes, and some use a wider point or blunt probe with different sized drill bits. I've found if the point is too sharp or the diameter of the point too small, very fine cracks often develop at the bottom of the drill hole, and small bullseyes are sometimes difficult to make. With too large of a diameter or a blunt point I've found you have to tap too hard, often causing the crack to run, or chipping around the drill hole.

If you come up with a combination that works better please share. There's no right or wrong as long as the method provides the desired results.
Brent Deines
Delta Kits, Inc.
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Re: Tap a bullseye

Post by kennycrane »

Delta slide hammer pretty inexpensive, I would never be without one so simple to use.
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