Vacuum pump style repair system

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Vacuum pump style repair system

Post by jdn »

Anybody have experience using the electric pump style repair system. I saw a few videos on line. Was just wondering how they compare to the hand operated bridge that most of us use.
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Re: Vacuum pump style repair system

Post by screenman »

Yes I have tried them and could easily afford to buy them, would I? no I would not. Using compressed air to move a liquid is not a good idea in my opinion, in fact I cannot think of anywhere else an engineer would use that scenario. I find that I like to be able to input skill into my repairs and like the finite control the tools I use allow.

I also find them bulky and cumberson, which is something we do not need in our trade, keeping things simple and light is the best way to work in our trade.
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Re: Vacuum pump style repair system

Post by Jtmac »

I've used a GT vp 5000 for about 20 years and my repairs are better than any in my area. I've considered getting a delta bridge and injector just to have an extra and see the difference. If anyone has experience with comparisons, I would be very interested to see them. I see the definite advantage of bulkiness, and not needing a power source, but then again I use my power source on my machine for operations that I would need to get otherwise if using a hand operated injector. It's very convenient to plug in my daystar, lamp or other accessories right there on the hood.
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Re: Vacuum pump style repair system

Post by screenman »

I have trained people on the use of the vp5000 I would not buy one, using compressed air to mover a liquid makes no sense to me, I suggest that your skills have more to do with the quality of your repairs than your kit does.
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Re: Vacuum pump style repair system

Post by Jtmac »

Screenman you see any advantages to an injector that uses a screw versus pushing the piston up and down or vice versa? aka ultra bond vs Delta.
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Re: Vacuum pump style repair system

Post by screenman »

I find a screw injector more accurately controllable, just my humble opinion of course as I have done thousands of good repairs using the Delta spring loaded one.
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