
Post your windshield repair tips, questions, advice! Note there is a sub-forum specifically for business development questions.
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Post by jdn »

Is it always necessary to pop a bullseye when drilling into a break? Or can you just drill and then fill?
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Re: Drilling

Post by kennycrane »

The only time that I pop a bulls eye is when I drill at the end of a crack so as to terminate it. For the most part the only other time that I use a drill is when the damage is so bad that I have to cap the break and drill a new whole so that it can be filled. Most of the time the rock that hit the windshield has already created an impact hole, thus I gently clean the area with a probe, assess the damage, if it is not to bad I begin the fix process, after proper dry out measures. Drilling can often times just create more damage, thus I do not have to use to many drill bits. However there are times when a rock does not create an impact hole but does create a break in the glass, then once again I will use a drill and create a hole so that I can repair the break. Be careful with that though, sometimes when that happens I have found it to be that the inside layer of glass is broken not the outside layer.
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