Crack outs !!

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Crack outs !!

Post by Texasguy »

So I have many repairs under my belt . But I have had a few chips crack out on me from an inch to 15-20 inches . I think most of the time I crack out a chip , it is a result of using crappy equipment and having to apply too much pressure with the head of the injector trying to get a good seal . I'm hoping that when I get my first delta bridge and injector set up , I will have much less of a problem getting a good seal and I will have far fewer crack outs .... But my question is pertaining to what to say and do after a crack out has occured . I have come to learn that it is not IF a crack out will happen, but WHEN it will happen ... So I like to be prepared ... When a crack out happens , what are some of the things you say to the customer when explaining your repair failure ?? Firstly I always try to make sure the conditions for a repair as at optimal for success as possible (cracking the windows , turning the car off , being in shade ) but when it does happen , I make sure not to freak out , I act like it is normal to happen sometimes , but also act disappointed in myself ... I have been in this dreaded situation 3 or 4 times , the windshield is cracked out , you have an unhappy customer , and they want answers ... some of the main points I explain to the customer are things like ...

"I am so sorry , I tried to do everything possible to make sure this didn't happen , but the chip was fragile already and sometimes a chip cracking like this in inevitable "

"This happens every now and then , but it's been a while for me , the last time it happened to me was 8 months ago ! "

"So now that this has happened , what I'm trying to do now is contain the crack as much as possible and also repair it to the best of my ability so it looks as least visible as possible "

I also take full responsibility for the crack and tell them how bad I feel(because I honestly do feel bad) , even though I know I'm not going to claim responsibility by replacing the windshield myself . If at a tent location , a clear sign that states "repair at your own risk " is a good idea ...

This also reminds me of making sure the customer is aware of the possible outcomes of a repair before you do the repair . With cracks or schetchy looking chips in un-optimal conditions , I will make sure to let the customer know that there is a possibility of the crack or chip cracking out , so that when it does happen someday in my repair career , they take it a little easier ... I would make them aware of this ofcourse after I have done the insurance paperwork and been given a claim number to be paid .... Sometimes I even try to let the customer know that mistakes happen and there are worse things in life than a cracked out windshield :-) ...

With my regular chip repairs , I personally , like to get the customers hopes down before the repair , so that when the repair is complete , they are unexpectingly surprised . I will tell them ,"after I'm done with the repair , the chip will definatly still be visible , but most importantly , it will be filled in , so you will not have to worry about it cracking up or down your windshield . I will try my best to make it look better , but like I said , it will definatly still be visible ." That way , when I'm done , and it looks much better than the customer anticipated , he or she is going to be very happy with the repair job .

These are some of the things I do to control the customers expectations and to to ensure the customers happiness . I know that it is not fun to think about cracking someone's windshield , but it does happen and it's good to be prepared for it . Does anyone have any other advice to help us all with this is situation WHEN it does happen ??? Any good advice is greatly appreciated by myself and anyone else reading this post I'm sure ! Thanks !!
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Re: Crack outs !!

Post by Mr Bill »

I have had several windshield crack outs in the past.
I blame them on not my cooling the glass down before I started the repair.
Just roll all of the car windows down, put a chip saver over the chip and slowly mist the w/s with water until the glass cools down.
A wipe down with a damp rag helps too.
I also have an umbrella which attaches to the vehicle to block direct sunlight.
Since I started cooling the glass down prior to the repair, I have not had a crack out in at least 5 years.
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Re: Crack outs !!

Post by screenman »

I have not had a crack out for about 10 years, I have had people in the class room with varying makes of kits on occasions when showing me how good their kit is they have had chips run. This I would imagine is down to their lack of training from the original kit supplier or their eagerness to impress and of course the poor quality equipment. Like the big glass sucker that when placed over a damage and vacuumed up has the same effect of getting behind the damage and pushing it with your fist, whoever came up with that idea certainly wanted to replace rather than repair.

Recognising which breaks are most likely to run and dealing with them before it happens, from experience it is mostly batswings that like to get a move on.

Understanding in which direction the run is likely to go, easily observed in pre set up checks, which I am sure you all do. ;)

For me I think a nice lightweight piece of kit makes sense as this creates less stress hanging off of the glass. Changing the seal regularly ( most people do not) also means less bridge pressure is needed, note bridge pressure not injector pressure, by this I mean the amount of screw down required to stop resin running out.

Cooling the glass for sure, not that that is a major problem over here, where as drying out is.

Remembering, slower is sometimes faster in our job.

I always undersell and over deliver, seems to make customers happier than the other way around.
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Re: Crack outs !!

Post by benswindshieldrepair »

I didn't read your whole post. I am on limited time. But for what it is worth, every crackout I have had has been my fault. They have been on hot windshields. Open the doors. Start the car and put the AC on defrost. Move it to shade. Just DONT put a bridge on a windshield too hot for you to put your arm on. Good luck!
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Re: Crack outs !!

Post by Tuck&Roll »

I'm learning more by reading this board then I could by going out and doing it. Good stuff Maynard!
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