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Post your windshield repair tips, questions, advice! Note there is a sub-forum specifically for business development questions.
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Brand new here

Post by Supernaut »

Hi all! Bought the entry level Delta kit. Started looking over the tools, parts, and instructions. Pretty stoked about it. Not expecting to say "see ya" to my micromanaged job anytime real soon....just hoping it at least profits a few hundred a the first several months....after the first month. LOL. I'm sure I'll have questions as I get started.
After I practice on my own and a few friends windshields, I'll go for business. Any initial info is welcome at this point.
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Re: Brand new here

Post by screenman »

Hi and welcome to the forum, practise well before you go out on the road is the best advice I can give. I looked at 9 poorly repaired windshields yesterday, many were done by people who could not have had any understanding of WSR.

Keep asking those questions and picture please so that we can really help you climb the ladder.
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Re: Brand new here

Post by candyman »

Good morning and welcome. Best advice. Attend training at Delta as soon as you can. That was my first mistake. Practice like Screen said on a damaged windshield; Junk yards or ask a local replacement shop for one. Sell yourself to the customer. Best First Option. Get some business cards and pass them out. They are no good in a box on your desk. Cold call and sell your services every chance you get to potential customers that need your services. Look for fleets that you can work in your off time. This could be a car fleet, truck, Rental agencies, small companies, local cable company, telephone company, medical supply, food supply, exterminator etc... . Work smart. Read this forum and past information. Knowledge is power. Practice is skill. Your work will speak volumes. Good work will generate referrals and longevity in this industry. Show respect to the customer and be polite. Wear a uniform or at least a shirt with logo. Wear clean clothes and pants or shorts and not torn. Be Professional at all times. Have a great day and enjoy the ride into the new start. Candyman :D
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Re: Brand new here

Post by Supernaut »

Thanks! As for attending Delta, isn't that on the West Coast? Right now I couldn't even afford the plane ticket over there (but I would enjoy the trip if I did), so I have to learn as best I can and practice, as you say. I have over 10 chips between my own cars, and a few people I know said I could do theirs, so there's a good bit of practice right there. I'll have cards made when I feel comfortable doing it for business.....whether it's 7, 12, or 20+ repairs into it. Thanks again for the advice!
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Re: Brand new here

Post by candyman »

Its hot weather. Make sure that Windshield Temp is between 65 and 90: Much more than 90 you could have a crack out. Read the information on this forum
Look at all the videos several times and dont rush the process> Its not that complicated but it takes thought and practice. Delta is only a call away. Their one day class has a weath of information and can fine tune your learning cure and understanding of the process. SGT, I think does some training on the east coast. Call Delta and see who may be near you. They may be willing to let you ride with them for a day.
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