Which Kit to start with? Help

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Which Kit to start with? Help

Post by mcon80 »

Hello everyone!

I am looking to start a windshield repair business, I see that Delta has more than a few kits they sell and it is a bit overwhelming to read through each description and not know what its best to start with. Does anyone have a recommendation as to which kit is best to start with?

Thank you everyone!

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Re: Which Kit to start with? Help

Post by h2oman »

I am still new in here as well. Do all the research you can and make sure you are happy with your decision. I personally really like what Delta has to offer. My recent purchase was with a Anniversary Kit .Contact Korey with Delta for he is very helpful as well. Good luck and see you around.
Chris W.
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Re: Which Kit to start with? Help

Post by Mr Bill »

If you are looking at DeltaKits equipment, then why don't you attend one of their training seminars and get to try the equipment before you decide to buy.
If you buy their equipment and don't attend the training, you will just be struggling.
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Re: Which Kit to start with? Help

Post by EMCAutoGlass »

I think the Anniversary kit is the best deal you'll find right now, and probably for a while. This is the perfect kit for you to start practicing and it isn't that expensive when compared to others. If you spend $1,500+ on a kit and find out that it's not for you, then you wasted some money. It's best to start small with a basic car glass repair kit, and then you can continue to add new tools and upgrades over time. The anniversary kit seems to give you a pretty extensive kit at the cost of a basic kit.

Most importantly, get factory training if possible. If you're near Delta Kits, I recommend attending their factory training. If you go with a different company, try to get their factory training. This will pay dividends. Also get some practice glass and practice, practice, practice. Stick with one kit/tools/resins for a while. I also recommend getting the depth gauge for the spring hammer. I think it's less than $10 and really helps a newbie find the right drill depth every time.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Which Kit to start with? Help

Post by mcon80 »

h2oman wrote:I am still new in here as well. Do all the research you can and make sure you are happy with your decision. I personally really like what Delta has to offer. My recent purchase was with a Anniversary Kit .Contact Korey with Delta for he is very helpful as well. Good luck and see you around.
Chris W.

Thanks Chris!
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Re: Which Kit to start with? Help

Post by mcon80 »

EMCAutoGlass wrote:I think the Anniversary kit is the best deal you'll find right now, and probably for a while. This is the perfect kit for you to start practicing and it isn't that expensive when compared to others. If you spend $1,500+ on a kit and find out that it's not for you, then you wasted some money. It's best to start small with a basic repair kit, and then you can continue to add new tools and upgrades over time. The anniversay kit seems to give you a pretty extensive kit at the cost of a basic kit.

Most importantly, get factory training if possible. If you're near Delta Kits, I recommend attending their factory training. If you go with a different company, try to get their factory training. This will pay dividends. Also get some practice glass and practice, practice, practice. Stick with one kit/tools/resins for a while. I also recommend getting the depth gauge for the spring hammer. I think it's less than $10 and really helps a newbie find the right drill depth every time.

Hope this helps.


Marty thank you for the information! I used to work for an owner of windshield repair company and it was a franchise, so I only know their equipment but I have the experience with windshield repair, just not Delta kits.

I appreciate your help, I will look into the anniversary kit :)
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Re: Which Kit to start with? Help

Post by Calafia.Chip.Repair »

I am just starting out too, and have ordered my kit. I found it was much cheaper and better to order your items separately.

I may be wrong, but I think all you really need is a drill, chip and pit resin, drill tips, and a bridge. That's all I ever used on the job and I pulled 7-12 a day easily. I got a 10441 bridge, dremel 7300, delta kit resin, tips off amazon. You need cellophane off cigarettes to cover and let it sit in the sun, which is why you won't need a UV light yet.

If I am mistaken windshield vets, let me know! :oops:
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Re: Which Kit to start with? Help

Post by EMCAutoGlass »

Calafia.Chip.Repair wrote:I am just starting out too, and have ordered my kit. I found it was much cheaper and better to order your items separately.

I may be wrong, but I think all you really need is a drill, chip and pit resin, drill tips, and a bridge. That's all I ever used on the job and I pulled 7-12 a day easily. I got a 10441 bridge, dremel 7300, delta kit resin, tips off amazon. You need cellophane off cigarettes to cover and let it sit in the sun, which is why you won't need a UV light yet.

If I am mistaken windshield vets, let me know! :oops:
I have a very thorough and extensive kit, and I like to double-down on nearly everything to make sure I'm not caught with my pants down. Curing tabs are less than $10 for 100, and you can clean and re-use them. If I'm a customer, I don't want to see some dude slap down a cigarette wrapper on the repair. Looks unprofessional. Only using the sun is unreliable. What about repairs at night? Cloudy day? What do you use to block the UV during the repair? Razor blades? pit polish? Towels? Glass cleaner? Needle and tapper to tap a small bullseye? Scribe to clean the impact point? An inspection mirror to see what you're doing? A hood protector? Extra supplies, resins, seals, etc.? My point is to make sure all of your bases are covered so you can complete a professional repair while presenting a professional appearance. Having some extra supplies on hand, along with the tools you may only use ocassionally, will put you a step ahead of the competition. Give Delta Kits a call and they'll tell you exactly what you need at a minimum, and their kits (even the most basic) will cover all of these items. Then down the road, you can add extra injectors, bridges, tools, etc.
I hope this helps.
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Re: Which Kit to start with? Help

Post by Mr Bill »

I don't always use my UV light, but I would not show up at a job without one.
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Re: Which Kit to start with? Help

Post by screenman »

I like to look and be professional and well equipped, and charge proper prices. No wonder this trade is so low balled in places.
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