My Start!!!

Post your windshield repair tips, questions, advice! Note there is a sub-forum specifically for business development questions.
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My Start!!!

Post by PatriotSC »

I have to say that I am thrilled to get started!

So here's what the last week ahs brought upon me.

Monday - Posted ad in craigslist for windshield repairs

Monday afternoon - recieved first phone call for insurance job. I was a little scared as I had JUST applied to the four Networks in order to complete insurance jobs.

Tuesday - recieved second phone call for windhield repair job from logo magnets on my wife's car. Another insurance job, still not approed through networks. Still have both jobs booked for friday, still worried about getting approved through etworks in time

Wednesday - recieved call for windshield replacemet job from logo magnets on wife's car (quickly finding out that this is a very good advertising plan of attack) booked the job for friday. I had already set up an account with PGW, and put the glass on order. Scheduled the job for Saturday. Cash Job.

Thursday - recieved email from State Farm stating that I was an approved service provider. Gives me warm and fuzzy feeling because both of friday's repairs are through State Farm. I call both of friday's customers to confirm appointments.

Friday - Get to first job, call State Farm, everything goes PERFECT. It was a combo and filled completely. I had a little trouble with the o-ring on the bottom of my injector blowing out, but other than that, I couldn't have asked for a better repair. I gave the customer his invoice and three business cards. He was so thrilled with my work he called his buddy right there in front of me and I booked ANOTHER repair job for saturday. I'm siked at this point. I go to my second job, and once again call State Farm. Once again, everything goes PERFECT. This was a simple bull's eye and filled pretty good with just the outer rim being visible after the repair was finished. The customer was thrilled, and I once again gave her the invoice and three business cards asking to pass the word to some friends. Got home to the wife, and kissed her for letting me use her car as advertising. After dinner I drove to PGW and picked up my glass for Saturday.

Saturday - Got to my windshield replacement job to find a DESTROYED windshield. When I asked what happened, all the customer could mumble was something about a jealous ex-girlfriend. Laughing I begin to cut the old windshield out. Replace the glass in about 45 minutes, and grab the customer to do paperwork. He was impressed. Once again I gave the customer his invoice and 3 business cards. He says he is going to give my card to a friend that owns a body shop. I am siked again. Go to my saturday repair job. Cash job. One combo, and multiple surface pits that could be filled. I fill the first combo with just a little bit of the rim of the bullseye and a faint resemblence of the crack remaining. Then fill the pits. I only charged him for the one combo damage (because I can't see charging someone to fill pits) and he is ecstatic of the results. He gives me $5 dollars more for a tip. Once again I am siked.

So, my weekend ended being $320 richer than I was before. I haven't really tried to advertise, and I am already getting work. I love it! For just a side job this is going to be fun.

Special Thanks to Korey for the training on billing the insurance companies. I am siked to see what next week brings.
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Re: My Start!!!

Post by candyman »

Thats how you do it. One job, one day at a time. My jobs come from a mix. Referrals, car sign, TPAs, web site, flyers and canvass. Do your best and pass out the business cards. Its not doing you any good sitting in the box. I also offer a $5 referral fee for family and friends that purchase one of my services. Congratulations on your week. Candyman
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Re: My Start!!!

Post by ministry4u »

What an encouragement to others your story is. I wish you continued success. ;)
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Re: My Start!!!

Post by PatriotSC »

Thanks a lot guys. This is very motivating, and I can only hope that the business keeps rolling in.
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Re: My Start!!!

Post by windshieldguy81 »

awesome! looks like you have a great, high volume corner. i remember when i started on my corner years ago. it's a great feeling. keep the customers happy and the repeat as well as referral business will skyrocket. best of luck to you.
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Re: My Start!!!

Post by kscreel »

Hope mine goes that well.Congratulations.
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Re: My Start!!!

Post by rydik »

have been reading and soaking all the info in. This is awesome! thank you for sharing, very encouraging!
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Re: My Start!!!

Post by screenman »

Sorry to put a dampener on things, but do not confuse turnover with profit.

Turnover for vanity, profit for sanity.

A big well done for getting started.
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Re: My Start!!!

Post by benswindshieldrepair »

My auto glass business is a full time venture for me in addition to having another full time job (with 12 hour shifts working half of the days of the month). I work 7 days a week. I don't advertise at all. I repair and replace windshields at higher prices than my competitors and the more business I do, the more business I do. It's all about referral. When someone tells their friend that you are the guy to do their work, they don't mind paying $10 more for a repair or $80 more for a replacement. I started out trying to compete with other's prices and found that it wasn't worth my time away from my family. I've settled in after 3 solid years and have found a sweet spot to meet the demand I get. Work really really hard for a few years and the following you get will ensure your future success and hopefully will result in less work for more money. Good job.
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Re: My Start!!!

Post by usmc68 »

Been over a year since Patriot posted this thread. Either he has already given it up, or has been deployed to the Crap Hole. If so, my prayers go to him and his family.
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