What\'s a referral worth to you?

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

repair leave shiny circle

Post by Anonymous »

For the first couple of months of my business I'm going to refer out cracks to another wsr person. What would be considered a good/fair referral fee for me to collect?


What's a referral worth to you?

Post by Anonymous »

Well, my opinion is: DON'T..
A: If the person you give the work to do, does it poorly. Its a direct reflection on you.
B: The person doing the work is a competitor.. Do you think he will speak highly of up and coming competiton.
C: Its your business, practice, practice, practice. Go to a junk yard and PRACTICE.. Once you are comfortable, then do them for your customers. If your efforts fail, then you do not charge. Your customer is no worse off with your failed attempt, they had two options, repair or replace and are still faced with replacing. Not all cracks are repairable due to dirt, lenghth,and placement. Time will teach you which ones are. Meanwhile.. attempt all. its an excellant way to practice.

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