Secret Shoppers

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

re: Roger

Post by Anonymous »

Hello all,


Secret Shoppers

Post by Anonymous »

I meant to say I do not wish to give any BAD press (not ad press)


Post by Anonymous »

Mr. Chips,
Unfortunately, windshield repair is a very competitive, cut-throat, business. There are those willing to do repairs at half the price just to make some income. The problem is, they do crap work. And they get away with it just long enough to put a bad taste in the customers mouth concerning the next windshield repair they may need. The other problem is, there are certain parties that feed the (lawsuit) fire. Yes, spies.. They ask pertinent questions concerning the type of resins, type of repairs, what you charge etc.And report back to the person instigating the suits. Reason, to eliminate competition by fear of suit. Less competition means a bigger slice of pie for them.. Most people do not have the means or knowledge to fight a lawsuit, and agree to close and pay a settlement forever just to end it. So, I can say yes, I'd be wary of anyone asking the type questions that I feel is irrelavant to the repair being done. As for nasty looks, I see 1-5 of my competitors weekly, we seldom speak, and seldom make eye contact.. Its business..

re: competition

Post by Anonymous »

Thanks for the comment Glassdoc,

Bassed on that tho it would seem I probably have nothing to fear... Our corperate affiliate is quite strong and nation wide. the irrelavant questions I can deal with I just dont see the need to trash talk esspecially infront of our customers. but I guess everyone has a different level that they are willing to stoop to right?

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